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How to add books from another computer via the OPAC (Remote Access)

Below you will find a tutorial teaching you how to set up Quicktrack Pro for schools to allow adding books via a web browser on another computer.

1. Open the QuickTrack Pro For Schools Software and Click the Preferences button.
2. Select Internet Settings from the menu on the left.
3. At the bottom ensure that Enable OPAC Websharing is checked.
4. Make a note of the address shown to the right of the checkbox
5. Click OK to save the preferences
6. On the other computer open a web browser and enter the address noted in step 4.
This will connect to the other computer and open the OPAC.
7. Once you have managed to connect to the other computer add /addBook.html to the address.
This will load the Add Book page on the OPAC.
8. Scan the book barcode into the ISBN Number field.
This will start a lookup of the book details. If this does not start press enter/return on the keyboard.
9. Once the book is looked up it will be added and a Success message will show.
You can then click Continue and scan the next book.

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