Mac Barcode Software
For Apple Barcoding From Peninsula

The Professional Mac Barcode Software Solution.

EAN 13 barcodeGS1 Barcodes

Mac Barcode Software
From The Professionals.

The Complete Barcoding Solution.

Peninsula's Mac range of barcoding software works with and in many different applications , this page is designed to help you choose the correct product for your application.

No Barcode Knowledge Required.

All our products require no prior barcode knowledge just how to use your Mac application.

As long as you know is what number you want to make into a barcode you can make it with our barcode software.

Unsure of what kind of barcode you need to make, then e-mail us a sample and we'll tell you what it is by return.

Automatic Check Digit Calculation By Default.

Also included in all our barcode production software is check digit calculation.

Some Barcode types require check digits, such as GS1 EAN 13 and ISBN 13 these are automatically calculated and added to the barcode.

This means you can never make a barcode with an incorrect check digit, some Mac barcode software does not automatically calculate check digits.

So Do You Want To?

1. Make barcode graphics such as EPS for inclusion in artwork in other Mac applications such as Quark Xpress, Adobe Illustrator or Adobe InDesign.

If you do, you require the Barcode Application for Mac, click below for more details or to buy now.

2. Make barcodes in FileMaker.

If you do, you require Barcode For FileMaker, click below for more details or to buy now.

3. We want Mac barcode software to do something else.

Contact us, we will most likely have some software or hardware to do what you require.


We offer full support including remote support for setup.

All our products are fully digitally signed and trusted by Apple and Windows computers.